With so many different exercises to choose from, it becomes tough to know which one is right for you and your goals. Ultimately building muscle and burning fat is the foundation for achieving your results which is why strength training is so important, but what form of cardio should you be supplementing into your routine? To answer this question let us first break down the difference between Low intensity steady state (LISS), Medium intensity steady state (MISS) and High intensity interval training (HIIT)

Over the past couple of months, I have received MANY inquiries from people about what is the best diet and exercise routine to achieve their goals. And to be quite honest, there is not one that fits everyone but there are some basic tips you can follow as you begin your journey. Before we get into my 15 tips though, you must first ask yourself the question: Are you ready to make that change?

I love a good glass of wine. There is something about the smell and the taste that really makes me smile – that and the social connection that has previously went along with enjoying a nice bottle. Here is the problem, recent circumstances and the changes that have occurred in our social paradigm have allowed me to justify an increase in libations. What was once a one or two time per week enjoyment with friends and family on the weekends (or occasional week night) has become a daily habit that formed out of either boredom or the need to “unwind” after being with the kids all day.

We are a summation of our habits. Seriously, think about that for a second. Your day to day rituals are a series of habits strung together to form your actions, your thoughts and create your way of being. This is true for all the things that you do. Your habits set the tone for the beginning, middle and the end of the day.